Monday, November 4, 2019

D is for Doubtful

This process of creating a one line face drawing is still holding my attention. Today's face seemed to flow onto the page and invited the use of lots of colors and also lots of white space.

One of the most interesting aspects of creating these faces is seeing how the expressions appear - its not as if I start out to draw a happy or sad or even, as she looks, doubtful face. I take what appears and go with it.

There is something intriguing about allowing the art to appear, without a plan beyond the rules I set for myself. I am enjoying this - no doubt about it.


  1. make easy, drawing haphazardly is so interesting .. I do so with my pictures then the joy is great what comes out. I always say the heart and the soul show me the way.
    It has become great your face
    greetings Elke

  2. I really love this one - it could be male but it looks almost ancient Egyptian. Very different colours.
    Cath x
