Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Art Every Day: R is for River Revisited

Day 18
One of the best things about having a dog is the walks we take. Living as I do surrounded by water, I often walk along the river. It seemed like every walk last fall (not so much this rainy one) resulted in a stunning play of light on leaves, clouds and water.

I took dozens of photographs, and tried several time to capture the vibrant light in pastels. The paintings always lacked the intensity I saw outdoors. So I tried again today. I am still struggling with the texture and shape of the mass of trees, but the light is a little better. The sky really was this blue. I think all this challenge practice is helping.

Every time I look at the photo or the painting, I remember the incredible beauty of that day on the river.

This is pastel on canson mi tiente.


  1. My dog Hank and I took a walk today and I took photos as well. We had such fun (watch for that update tomorrow!)

    Rivers are such a delight, aren't they?

    I love love love what you created!

    Watch my AEDM2010 check in here.

  2. I walk with Hank too ... only he has two feet :-)
    Thank you and I will watch for your creation tomorrow

  3. This is a very beautiful piece! You did a fabulous job on all of it with a particularly gorgeous sky!

  4. I love the colors in this one...
