Kids love art. Kids, at least lots of kids that I know, tell me that they do not get enough opportunities to create art during the school day. For many kids (and I was one) art was the best part of school. If I was not given the chance to draw or paint or make something during the school day, I took it anyway - covering my books and papers with doodles and drawings. Mostly, this landed my in trouble with my teachers, and my mother who disapproved of my "messy" ways. One teacher however, saw something in my drawings, and my world changed. Suddenly, my doodles had purpose and value, and I was on the road to my life as an artist and educator.
Now, I teach art to kids. I do this as much for my own pleasure as theirs. I am constantly amazed at the attention, focus, pride and delight that my young students take in their work. I am also awed at their willingness to take on challenges, to try new things, to work with new media, and share what they are thinking as they create. I also adore the way they admire and compliment each others' work.
As I work with my talented, creative and energetic students, they talk about how they love to do art at home. They describe their art supplies, they bring samples (portfolios) of their work to show to me, and they frequently express the wish for more fun things to do - extensions of what they are already learning, opportunities to try new tools or techniques, ideas for great new projects, and more. This is the purpose of this new blog page.
I will collect and share art related ideas and resources for teachers, parents and kids.
I will include links to classes and events, contests, challenges, great websites and blogs, good deals on art supplies, and much more.
I will also include YOUR ideas, suggestions, recommendations, and upcoming events.
And, I will share examples of the work created by the kids you care about.
Visit this blog often and watch for ideas and information in the blog topics (on the right of the blog page.) Click on KIDS ART AND RESOURCES
Visit this blog often and watch for ideas and information in the blog topics (on the right of the blog page.) Click on KIDS ART AND RESOURCES