Friday, November 1, 2019

A is for Art Everyday 2019 (AGAIN)

My Christmas cactus is blooming early (awfully early) this year. I have several - and all are in bloom. This is a treat to see as winter closes in around us.

I can't resist photographing the beautiful shapes - both hard and soft - and then experimenting with a variety of digital editing software.

No matter how much art I create by hand, I am always attracted to the astounding array of art options I find within my technology.

Its nice to be back once again.  Art on!


  1. This is a stunning piece of art. The use of colors is amazing too.

  2. this is a wonderful digital work!
    I love that digitally edit
    greetings Elke

  3. Stunnng colours! Beautiful art. Happy November!
    Cath x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very nice! I love the colors. ((Sorry for the double comment. I'm not used to Blogger.))

  6. I'm running SO far behind after being away for three days. Trying to catch up is harder than I anticipated.

    As someone who owns PhotoShop, but only knows how to use the watermark, I am in LOVE with what you created. It's simply out of this world. I'm super impressed with this beauty and look forward to following along on your journey this month at AEDM.
