Saturday, November 16, 2013

P is for Postal

This summer I took a MOOC Massive Open Online Course - through Coursera.

According to Wikipedia a MOOC is a massive open online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as videos, readings and problem sets, MOOCs provide interactive user forums that help build a community for the students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs). MOOCs are a recent development in distance education.

The course I took this summer was called Introduction to Art, and as I mentioned earlier, though I am not a beginner, I found a great deal to learn in the unique lessons and projects. One of my favorites focused on the history and development of Mail Art.

Our assignment was titled Correspondence with Memory, and asked us to create the inner and outer art to convey a message sent by mail.

We were actually supposed to design an envelope and interior message, but somehow I came up with a two sided postcard, that really invoked a memory and all the emotions that accompanied it. 

Thinking of a letter or postcard also brought words (and puns) into the mix. These are the results - they are collaged from numerous publications and places, truly a gathering of ideas to send.

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