Monday, February 1, 2010

Smart Money: How a Volunteer Invests In Kids

Deborah Romerein is a volunteer who teaches what she knows. And she is making a difference. For more than seven years, Deborah, a former stockbroker and financial consultant has had a goal – to share her knowledge about how to survive and even flourish financially in today’s confusing culture where “debt is the most aggressively marketed product.”

Deborah designed a course, SMART MONEY, to teach the kids she works with (incarcerated youth) how to avoid the traps of debt, predatory “deals,” and how to develop and cultivate the habits needed to achieve true wealth and financial peace of mind.

In her classes, she also offers participants a road map of how to get started handling money, and teaches them strategies they can use to set and reach personal goals.
Deborah does this because she has “every hope and expectation that the process of learning personal money management skills” will help the young men she works with to discover personal strengths and an “expanded view of how they see themselves and what they can accomplish.”

Deborah is just one example of ‘regular’ people who are doing extraordinary things for kids at risk. She not only volunteers her time and knowledge, but she connects with every kid – encourages them to believe in themselves, and most of all – she encourages them to LEARN – not only about money and finances – but about the world around them, and all that it holds for them. When Deborah comes to volunteer, she brings books, films, ideas, information, humor, and connections to other subjects, and other people. Most of all, she brings herself. Her warmth, her caring and her hope for a better future.

I just thought you’d like to know.
If you’d like to know more, or receive the details of her Smart Money classes contact Deborah at

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